Do you feel like you're stuck living someone else's life?

It’s not uncommon to wake up one day and wonder what happened to all of those plans and visions you had for yourself. Life has a way of distracting us from what’s truly important to us with what’s urgent in the present moment. After a life of addressing what’s urgent, you may look around and see a fine life or, even worse, a life that feels completely misaligned. 

oof. I’ve been there. 

If that’s you, then you’re in need of some recalibration and it takes bravery to acknowledge your dissatisfaction and take intentional steps towards a life that feels deeply and truly
Good. Fulfilling. Nourishing. Authentic. True to YOU.

That’s where I come in!

I help my clients find clarity on the next steps to take in their journey based on their unique blueprint. When we start working together, I love to know all about you to best help you find a path that feels good for your unique design. 

I love to tap into your personality typing. That can include: Enneagram, Strengthsfinders, Human Design and more to help you map out what path forward will get you to where you want to go AND feel good along the way. 

My specialty is providing a safe space to share any and all of your concerns* while cheering you on towards your biggest dreams. 

I’d love to help you on your journey to creating your life on purpose.

*Please note, I am not a licensed therapist. If I believe your needs are better suited for therapy, I will recommend that route instead of coaching.

Work With Me

A transformational coach for people who need help realigning their lives so that their external reality matches with their deep soul longings.

I help millennials craft a life they love.

It’d be my honor to help guide you back to your authentic self.

Client Testimonials

Sika is a wonderful coach. She is helpful and inspiring and meets you where you are. She is considerate and pushes you to be the best version of yourself. She provides a variety of paths for self-discovery so that you can pick and choose what speaks to you. I would recommend her whole-heartedly to anyone looking to make incremental positive changes in their life.
My experience working with Sika was... so insightful! She remained present throughout all of our sessions, asking thoughtful questions, and helped me get out a deep limiting belief I had around having the pressure to achieve. Outside of her unique coaching skills, she offered personalized insights on my human design chart which put things into perspective. Not only did I learn more about myself emotionally, but I also learned more about myself spiritually! <3

Ready To Work Together?

Book a discovery call and let’s see if we’re a good fit!