
The Three Keys of Fulfillment

I’ve come to the conclusion that creativity, meaning, and connection are absolutely essential for a fulfilling life. With this blog, I hope to help you craft a creatively liberated, fiercely connected, and meaning-filled life.

In an ideal world, I’d like our mode of transportation for getting there to be fun, expansive, and easeful. I’m going to try to balance the deep inner work with ways to lighten up because, well I’m a libra, and while I don’t always achieve it, I do always aim for balance! But seriously, joy truly is necessary for the journey. Not only because it feels good but because it gives us the energy we need to keep going. While negative thoughts and low moods are a part of life, they are also draining.

Joy truly is necessary for the journey. Not only because it feels good but because it gives us the energy we need to keep going.

So what do I mean by creativity, meaning, and connection, anyway?


We were all born to create. Whether we’re creating a story, a poem a song, a beautiful home, a delicious meal, a loving family, an expressive dance — it all counts! Creation is in our blood. I believe that if we squelch these creations that are on our heart, we die a little inside. They’re begging to be expressed and birthed. We are meant to play and have fun so get your paints and splatter them somewhere. Put your personal touch on something and let your creativity flow.


Why do you get up every morning? Yeah I’m going to need you to come up with something other than “to go to work” or “to drink coffee” (even though, same). But really! After you drink that delicious coffee, what drives you each day? If you don’t have a juicy “why” for your life then you’re bound to feel aimless and robot-like. I don’t have any specific preference for your particular driving force in life as long as you have one. Defining what gives you your particular sense of meaning will be the spark you need to make your days, weeks, and months feel like a journey to something amazing rather than a never-ending groundhogs day that only gets interrupted twice a year by summer vacation and winter holiday.


Who you have by your side during this life journey is just as important as where you’re going! You’ve probably heard an iteration of that sentence before. While choosing the people around you carefully is advice we hear all the time I personally think healthy communication, balanced perspective & mindset, and loving boundaries along with joyous shared experiences are the lynchpin of our relationships.

We need to water and nurture our relationships and have grace for the people in our lives. Humans aren’t perfect (yes, that includes you) and deciding whether to excuse someone’s idiosyncrasies vs. deciding they’re not someone you want in your life is a tightrope walk. We’ll learn ALL about the art of relationship (as much as I can muster). Don’t forget that all of the above applies to your relationship to yourself too. Our connection to ourself is the river that flows into the ocean of every other relationship in our life.

Our connection to ourself is the river that flows into the ocean of every other relationship in our life.

Deep ocean waves

Cheat Sheet

The “how” of this ride

Ease (noun): a method of exerting no unnecessary strain or force
aka accepting that there are things outside of our control and while we take care of our side of the street, we don’t contort ourselves to fit some mold that doesn’t fit.

Value-matching the key terms

Creativity: Expression, individuality, fun, joy, authenticity, truth, sincerity
Meaning: Contribution, spirituality, growth, learning, serenity, truth
Connection: Community, diversity, collaboration, communication, honesty, vulnerability, sincerity

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Feel Good Podcasts for Self Growth: July 2020